Legal notice & company details

Customer information pursuant to the Insurance Supervision Act (VAG) Art. 45

Status 2021

With the following information, VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG informs its clients pursuant to the requirements of Art. 45 of the Insurance Supervision Act (VAG). VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG is a registered independent insurance broker, entered in the insurance supervision register of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA under the register number 10672.

Identity information

VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG
Brandschenkestrasse 30
CH-8001 Zürich

+41 41 785 04 40

Commercial register of the canton of Zug Main register Company number: CH-170-3018081-3 Legal form: Joint stock corporation ("Aktiengesellschaft")

Work as an intermediary and liability

VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG is an independent insurance broker. The insurance solutions offered by us are each negotiated with several insurance companies.

In the event of negligence, error or incorrect information in connection with our work as intermediaries, the legal entity VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG can be made liable pursuant to the Swiss legal standards.

Complaints about our work as advisers and intermediaries

Please send your complaints to our managing director:

Jorina Zehnder
Brandschenkestrasse 30
CH-8001 Zürich

Handling of confidential customer data

Personal data is only recorded if it is required within the framework of the services agreed under the broker mandate. VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG undertakes to take all precautionary measures to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory data privacy provisions.

The data is treated as absolutely confidential. Personal data is normally stored in electronic and/or paper form. All information provided by the client is only transferred to other third parties not mentioned in the power of attorney with the client's consent.

Contractual relationships

As an independent insurance broker, VCW Versicherungs-Treuhand AG can broker and support insurances from all insurance companies approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

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